My Favorite New Tea Infusers
This brewing basket from Finum which fits in a cup/mug, a tea pot or a mason jar to make tea or iced tea, is not only versatile but with the fine stainless steel mesh is easy to clean and keeps all the tea in the basket. $9.00
Designed and Manufactured in Maine, USA, This infuser is made of hard plastic that does not add a plastic taste to your tea. The mesh on it is very fine so nothing gets through it. Dishwasher safe and easy to clean. Comes with its own coaster. $6.00 call to order 802-244-6102 or order online
In October I went to Paris to check out the incredible tea shops there. If you get to Paris and love tea, here are a few to check out. The one I would definitely not miss is Mariage Freres. This tea shop has been around since the mid 1800s and is a real experience. They have incredible teas from all over the world and a tea room that shouldn't be missed. The food, the teas, the service is unbelievable. I had lunch there one day and afternoon tea another. They have 3 shops in Paris but the one to go to is 30-32-35 Rue du Bourg-Tibourg in the Marais. I bought an incredible Golden Monkey Black Tea there, rich in notes of cocoa.
Another not to be missed is Maison Des Trois Thes. This shop specializes in Oolongs and PuEhrs. Bring lots of money and go after 1:30pm and do a tasting of one of the teas. This shop could be intimidating if not for the friendly, helpful staff. The teas are in a league all of their own.
We found it by accident. It was difficult to find the street on our maps. The address is 1 rue Saint Medard. I purchased a Ti Guan Yin 6 there and am only sharing it with very special friends. The sweet floral aroma and taste is exquisite.
The Teas at the Le Palais des Thes didn't seem as exceptional as the first two shops but they have a Tea book there, written by the owner and master taster, that is by far the best tea book I have ever read. It comes in french and english and you can even order it on their website. It is on the expensive side but worth every euro. http://www.palaisdesthes.com/
Two other shops that were really nice and deserve a visit were La Route du The, 14 rue Lacepede and Terre de Chine, 49 rue Quincampoix where I bought a Keemun Mao Feng and an Imperial Jasmine that I continue to enjoy.